Ti-Plasmid: Targeted plant breeding
As part of their research of the interactions of plants and soil bacteria, the two pioneers of green genetic engineering discovered that some bacteria can transfer genes to plants. Responsible for this is the Ti plasmid, which is found in particular in the soil bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Based on the research results, the scientists use the TI plasmid as vector (gene ferry) for the production of transgenic plants. To do so, they replaced the genes that were originally responsible for tumor formation with the genes of their choice. Thus, in 1983, the production of genetically modified, pest-resistant tobacco plants succeeded for the first time.
The method opened up a new area of plant breeding as it allows for the introduction of genes from other species into a plant. The method is still unsurpassed by other technologies.
Marc van Montagu and Jozef Schell (© Wikimedia: VIB headquarters, Rijvisschestraat) -
Ti-Plasmid (© Wikimedia: Mouagip, Yikrazuul) -
With the help of green genetic engineering properties of plants can be specifically improved. Thus, e.g. Grain varieties are bred with tolerance to drought (© Paweł Wiśniewski)