Batene receives the renowned Max Planck Start-up Award for innovative battery technology

Award for groundbreaking development of more powerful and cost-effective energy storage devices

The winning team from the start-up Batene accepted the Start-up Award of the Stifterverband on June 11, 2024 at Asanta in Berlin - Joachim Spatz (2nd from left), director at the MPI for Medical Research and the two Batene managing directors Thanh Nguyen (center) and Martin Möller (2nd from right). In the picture (from left to right) Anna Christmann, Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Start-Ups at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Change, Max Planck President Patrick Cramer and Volker Meyer-Guckel, Secretary General of the Stifterverband. © David Ausserhofer/MPG

On June 11th, Batene GmbH received the coveted Max Planck Start-up Award for its innovative battery technology. The award ceremony took place as part of the annual meeting of the Max Planck Society in Berlin and recognizes Batene's commitment to the development of lighter and environmentally friendly batteries. The technology, which is based on fine metal fleeces and was originally developed by the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, promises a significant improvement in energy storage, drastically reduced material consumption during production and lower manufacturing costs.

Batene GmbH, a spin-off of the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, accepted the Max Planck Start-up Award for its innovative battery technology on June 11th. The prize from the Stifterverband is worth 30,000 euros. Batene's innovative technology, known as batene fleeceTM, is based on fine metal fleeces. These make it possible to reduce the metal content in batteries and significantly increase the proportion of active materials required for energy storage. Batteries based on this technology can store up to 80 percent more energy while reducing manufacturing costs by up to 50 percent. The metal fleeces, which are manufactured using a method developed at the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, significantly improve the performance of the batteries by transporting electrons and ions much faster than conventional materials. This leads to a significant increase in storage capacity and enables faster charging and discharging of the batteries. In this way, Batene technology can increase the range of electric cars and reduce their manufacturing costs.

"Batene has the potential to disrupt the battery market," said Patrick Cramer, President of the Max Planck Society. "The company demonstrates how findings from fundamental research can be translated into practical applications, contributing to job creation in an innovative industry."

Martin Möller, Managing Director of Batene, on the award ceremony: “We were extremely pleased to receive this special award. What is particularly important for us is that this gives us even more attention to the great potential of our technology. New, better batteries are the prerequisite for many companies to position themselves as fast movers and not just take the position of fast followers, and they are an important contribution to mastering the energy transition. Batene wants and can take a leading role here. It would be a shame if this wasn’t noticed.”

“We warmly congratulate Batene GmbH on being awarded the Max Planck Start-up Award. Their outstanding commitment is a shining example of how research results from the Max Planck Institutes can lead to groundbreaking innovations. This award recognizes not only Batene's achievements, but also the importance of interdisciplinary research and technology transfer for a sustainable future. We are proud to work with Batene and look forward to further successes together on this inspiring path,” says Florian Kirschenhofer, Senior Start-up and Portfolio Manager at Max Planck Innovation.

About Batene GmbH

After eight years of research at the Max Planck Society, Batene GmbH was founded in March 2022 by a team of experienced scientists. Batene GmbH is a battery technology company. The Max Planck Society has developed an IP-protected core technology based on fleece and licensed it exclusively to Batene GmbH. The Max Planck Society is a shareholder in Batene.

About the Start-up Award of the Stifterverband

With the Max Planck Start-up Award of the Stifterverband, the Stifterverband and the Max Planck Society have been honoring special achievements in the field of entrepreneurship every two years since 2022. The prize is endowed with 30,000 euros. It honors successful start-ups from the Max Planck Society that have a particularly positive impact on society.

About the MPI for Medical Research

At the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, physicists, chemists and biologists create knowledge of long-term relevance to basic medical science. The institute has a unifying theme: observing and controlling the vastly complex macromolecular interactions in the context of cells - both in health and disease. The presently four departments contribute to this goal through their complementary expertise. They work on optical microscopy with nanometer resolution, on the design of chemical reporter molecules, on macromolecular structure determination and on cellular, materials and biophysical sciences. The institute has a distinguished history of fundamental breakthroughs, evidenced by six Nobel Prizes awarded to its researchers since its foundation. Further information:

About Max Planck Innovation

Max Planck Innovation is responsible for the technology transfer of the Max Planck Society and, as such, the link between industry and basic research. With our interdisciplinary team we advise and support scientists of the Max Planck Institutes in evaluating their inventions, filing patents and founding companies. We offer industry a unique access to the innovations of the Max Planck Institutes. Thus, we perform an important task: the transfer of basic research results into products, which contribute to the economic and social progress.
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