FLASH 2 is well received in research
New MRI procedure offers immense advantages in pediatric radiology
In the 1980s, Jens Frahm and his team at the Max Planck Institute in Göttingen set themselves the goal of making MRI technology faster and had a revolutionary idea: they only used part of the available MRI signal for each individual measurement, instead of using the entire signal. With this innovative physical trick, they were able to radically shorten the measurement times - by a factor of at least 100. With the newly developed FLASH method, it was now possible to create high-resolution three-dimensional MRI images of the inside of a patient within a few minutes. The FLASH technique quickly attracted the interest of leading MRI equipment manufacturers and has been used worldwide ever since.
Despite the breakthrough improvements that FLASH brought, real-time monitoring of dynamic processes was not possible. The multitude of measurement data required for the reconstruction of images with high spatial resolution and sufficient signal-to-noise ratio still led to measurement times in the range of seconds. This posed a major challenge, especially when examining small children, as the child's movement could severely impair image quality. It was clear that further development was needed to overcome this obstacle and realize the full potential of MRI in medical diagnostics. This is where FLASH 2 comes in and offers a solution to these challenges.
FLASH 2 enables recordings in milliseconds instead of seconds
In 2010, the scientists achieved the breakthrough. Through the development of novel coding strategies and mathematical approaches for image reconstruction of heavily undersampled data sets, the measurement times for serial images could be reduced to only around 10 to 50 milliseconds. This corresponds to a speed of 20 to 100 frames per second. With FLASH 2, MRI films, e.g. of a beating heart, can be generated in real time. This opens up a multitude of previously impossible applications in science and medicine.
Jens Frahm: “Not only are we certain that we have found the right physical and mathematical solution to the problem, we have also succeeded in developing a simple technical solution for practical implementation. In this way, an existing MRI device can be quickly and safely retrofitted with a suitable computer and the various measurement protocols. So nothing stands in the way of a broad clinical-radiological implementation.”
FLASH 2 is used successfully for research purposes in the pediatric radiology department of the Leipzig University Hospital. Contributions to teaching and research are an important part of the institute's work and real-time MRI imaging is one of the main research areas.
Professor dr medical Franz Wolfgang Hirsch, Director of the Institute for Pediatric Radiology, on real-time MRI imaging: "Children, and especially small children, are particularly sensitive to radiation. Magnetic resonance imaging is therefore an extremely important examination technique for children. However, the duration of conventional MRI images often requires sedation or anesthesia, which in turn entailed risks and inconveniences for the young patients. The FLASH 2 technique allows us for the first time to create MRI images of small children without these measures. This represents a sensational innovation and solves a fundamental clinical problem: the resistance to movement of the FLASH 2 technology has the potential to transform the future of pediatric MRI."
Further information on real-time MRI in the pediatric radiology department of the University Hospital Leipzig:
- Webcast with Prof. Hirsch, Dr. Daniel Gräfe and Dr. Christian Roth: https://ukl-live.de/mediathek_view.php?id=255
- Article in the European Journal of Pediatrics – “Real-time MRI: a new tool of radiologic imaging in small children”: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00431-023-04996-0
- Real-time MRI of a child with mild brain volume reduction: https://filesync.medizin.uni-leipzig.de/f/18494c7498d848dba533/?dl=1
Research Use License
Max Planck Innovation (MI), the technology transfer organization of the Max Planck Society, licenses the FLASH 2 process and enables its use in research institutions and clinics. These facilities receive special pulse sequences to control an existing MRI device and software for data analysis. The results are displayed and archived on the MRI machine like all other images using a graphics card computer. The operation of the measurement logs does not require any special knowledge. Numerous other renowned institutions such as the University Medical Center Göttingen, the Radcliffe Hospital at the University of Oxford or the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore are already using the FLASH 2 method successfully.
Bernd Ctortecka, Patent and Licensing Manager at MI, emphasizes the benefits of FLASH 2 for research: "FLASH 2 has the potential to significantly improve medical diagnostics. By applying this innovative technology, research will be advanced and new insights will be gained. We are excited that FLASH 2 is already being used in research by leading research institutes and clinics worldwide and look forward to further developments and applications in the future."
With the use of FLASH 2 in pediatric radiology, a milestone is reached that will revolutionize MRI imaging for young children. Fast and motion-resistant imaging opens up new possibilities for the diagnosis and treatment of young patients. Due to the ongoing research and development of FLASH 2, even more applications and findings in a wide variety of research fields are expected in the future, which will further improve medical care and benefit patients.
About the Leipzig University Hospital
Medicine is our vocation - this guiding principle characterizes everyday life at Leipzig's largest hospital with 1451 beds. More than 6,000 employees work here on the care of 400,000 inpatients and outpatients every year at the highest medical level, caring and close to people. Findings from medical research flow directly into patient care at an early stage and give our patients access to the latest procedures and treatments.
The pediatric radiology department of the clinic is responsible for imaging diagnostics in children, and today this is done predominantly with ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, i.e. with the help of magnetic fields and without X-rays. The highly specialized institute carries out imaging diagnostics exclusively for children, starting with the unborn baby during pregnancy and continuing into adolescence.
About the MPI for Multidisciplinary Sciences
The Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences was founded in January 2022 through the merger of two existing Göttingen institutes, the MPI for Biophysical Chemistry and the MPI for Experimental Medicine. The two locations of the institutes remained as City Campus and Faßberg Campus. At the Institute, we explore scientific issues ranging from physics and chemistry to structural and cell biology, neuroscience and biomedical research. Basic research in the natural sciences can thus be linked even more effectively with medical research approaches. We are guided by the conviction that great scientific discoveries can be achieved when scientists from different disciplines and research cultures - such as physics, chemistry and biology - work together and exchange ideas in an unbiased way.
More information under www.mpinat.mpg.de/en
About Max Planck Innovation
As the technology transfer organization of the Max Planck Society, Max Planck Innovation is the link between industry and basic research. With our interdisciplinary team, we advise and support scientists at the Max Planck Institutes in evaluating inventions, filing patents and starting businesses. We offer industry central access to the innovations of the Max Planck Institutes. We are therefore fulfilling an important task: The transfer of results from basic research into commercially and socially useful products.
More information under www.max-planck-innovation.com.

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Phone: +49 89 / 29 09 19-30

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Dr. Bernd Ctortecka, M. Phil.
Phone: +49 89 / 29 09 19-20